Yves Desjardins

Software Developer

About Me

Hello! I’m Yves Desjardins, a passionate software developer with expertise in building out web apps and team management


  • Languages: JavaScript TypeScript
  • Frameworks/Libraries: EmberJS NodeJS
  • Systems/Databases: PostgreSQL SQL Git
  • Testing: QUnit Mirage



Software Developer

May 2020 - Present

  • Utilized modern front-end frameworks to build highly scalable applications that serve millions of active users
  • Served as a team lead for over a year managing 3 engineers in implementing new AI-based features
  • Built out and maintained the user-facing analytics feature and championed its usage throughout the app
  • Worked on transitioning the wider codebase from Javascript to Typescript to aid with ongoing code quality improvements
  • Spearheaded development on numerous high-impact and fast-paced projects to fill business needs and drive further revenue growth
  • Experienced with scrum methodologies and use of Jira in project tracking

EmberJS Typescript Javascript CircleCI QUnit Mirage

The Perk

Full Stack Developer

May - Dec 2019

  • Integrated third-party APIs to enhance functionality and improve overall user experience on web platforms.
  • Optimized application performance by identifying and resolving bottlenecks in the software architecture.
  • Troubleshot and resolved complex technical issues, maintaining optimal system performance and uptime.

NodeJS GraphQL Express Knex Bookshelf Apollo Server CircleCI Selenium Kubernetes AWS Docker

Interests and Hobbies

  • Movies
  • Gaming (board games and video games)
  • PC building
  • Scuba diving
  • Hiking